Griffith Vietnamese Restaurant- PUSSY RUN Meow meow meow meow 10/10 meeeoooowwwww: C.R.A.F.T, Just Simon, Yowllllll: Babbling, crunchy Crack, Centre Fold meow purrrrrrrr: Richard Gere ZZZZZZZ purrrrrrr scratch: Gerbilina, Bigelina, Fluid Movement, Hidden Flagon, CRAFT, Ankle Biter meow mew mew meow meow meow pffttt: Fluid Movement 69, Craft 18, Betty Boop 150 This feline found dinner to be agreeable. Of course its not Snappy Tom's finest canned goods. But it will do Greased Nipple was judged to be Grand champion Supreme. Now i'm off to sleep. Go away human. Puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr